Why Fly Fishing First

I was introduced to angling by my college sweetheart. He taught me to observe the nature around me and to admire all fish I caught no matter the size. I had always loved the outdoors, but I had never heard of fly fishing before we met. I can’t say it was an immediate love - on my first trip fly fishing I got minor hypothermia from holy waders, second I was cut up by European grass because I then insisted on shorts, and third…who cares? I went a third time. And a fourth, and today I’m an avid fly fisher myself and I married the crazy boy who thought he could woo me with a fishing date.

A picture taken on one of my first ever fly fishing adventures. Probably the first Brookie I caught in Ithaca, NY. Taken on 35mm!

I’m Tania McCormack the one behind Brookie Designs. I’m an artist and graphic designer. When I see a fish I see colors and patterns coming to life. I am inspired. I want to paint them right then and there. I’m also female, which makes me still a rare find on the river enjoying the sport of fly fishing.

Combining my graphic design skills and my love for fishing, I had a thought: what if I can use my skills to intrigue young minds? Especially encourage young girls to fly fish who are much more likely to not have had exposure.

I’m starting small with stickers. Using the original Brookie Designs logo I’m repeating the same outline and stripping back the specific trout patterns to pure shapes. Looking to the genius designers of the Japanese Kawaii “Cute” illustrations. I’m making very simple but fun representations of my favorite fish to catch: trout. Hopefully these cute trout stickers will catch the eyes of kids (and adults too).

This doesn’t mean I’ll only make trout stickers, or that I’ll only promote fly fishing. But starting somewhere specific helps me see if I have a good idea. I strongly believe that kids who enjoy outdoor sports have a more genuine appreciation for the environment and will grow into future stewards.

I dream big, but like I said: I’m starting small. 

This is Brookie Designs, and we inspire kids, and encourage outdoor enthusiasts.


Kawaii Art